Thursday, September 18, 2008

The drawings of Flowers and Bombs were very simply drawn with pencils and eraser in two days by the author who had not drawn anything since finishing art class in junior high school. Naive but somehow peacefully moving is the comments given by most of the visitors.
As the author and drawers of Flowers and Bombs, I really appreciate the comments and their love and compassion toward a chain of hope for making a more peaceful world.
The solo exhibition: The original drawings of Flowers and Bombs
September 1, 2008 -- September 29, 2008 Open on weekdays
Ashiya city gender equality center: With-us Ashiya
You can also see the exhibition at this site:
With-us Ashiya September Exhibition
The photo: The drawing of Flowers and Bombs for a tanka poem:
Are you ready, kids?
Jump onto a cruise missile
Buckle up and hang on
'Cause we're gonna take a
Sightseeing trip to the full moon
Flowers and Bombs p. 9