Thursday, November 28, 2013
Invisible Tsunami
You cannot hear it
You cannot smell it
You cannot even see it
But certainly it is here
It is destroying every DNA
Of all the living things around
Just like tsunami destroying
Every piece of buildings ahead
You cannot see it
You cannot smell it
You cannot even hear it
What you can do is
Only run away
Invisible Tsunami by Kaoru Kobashi
The poem I wrote is about radiation which I have to face all the time in Japan. What I can do about it is only keep away from it, but there are millions of people including children forced to live in highly radioactively contaminated areas.
I have been doing whatever I can do to help children there and let people know the danger of radiation, but another invisible tsunami is coming over us in Japan. It will also wash away our rights of free speech and our democracy. State Secrecy Bill which fails to address basic concerns on civil liberties and the public's right to know will probably intimidate us and block critical reporting of the government. What is worse, the new rules will make it almost impossible to get to know more about Japan's nuclear policy, and the danger of radiation in Japan will be sealed, I'm afraid.
I feel totally lost facing outrageous situations.
Only the light I can see is voices calling for freedom rising all around Japan.
Can we push back this invisible tsunami?
If we can not do so, Japan is not a democratic country any more.
BBC's news article will let you know more about the bill.
Japan approves new state secrecy bill to combat leaks