Monday, September 21, 2015
It is definitely an outrage against democracy
Abe's war bills passed the upper house in the early morning on 19 September in 2015. The laws now allow Japan to send its Defense Force to war zones overseas, which the majority of Japanese people are opposing, especially the youth who might be affected most by the laws.
BBC broadcast the scene when the bills were said to pass in the committee of the upper house on 17 September. If you see the movie you may think those men around the chairman are all from opposing parties, but it is not so.
The men who gathered around the chairperson first were members of the ruling party, and they were not members of the committee. Because of the "human wall" nobody could hear what the chairman said at all. Is it possible to pass the bills in such chaos?
I don't approve the bills and the majority of Japanese people would not approve such unconstitutional laws born in such an undemocratic way. It is almost the coup.
See the movie at BBC:
・Scuffles break out in Japan's parliament
17 September 2015
And more about how he bill has prompted large public protests.
・Japan votes to allow military role overseas
19 September 2015